

Industrial Hemp NiceDay

Why Industrial Hemp?

Our Top 3 Reasons To Love The Plant Industrial hemp varieties of Cannabis, also referred to as “fiber” or “non-drug” hemp, should not be confused with marijuana. Industrial hemp can’t “get you high.” Industrial hemp contains virtually no THC (<0.3%). Industrial Hemp extracts contain all the relaxing, mood-steadying plant compounds of marijuana, no drug use value, making them non-psychoactive and …

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PPE Personal Protective Equipment NiceDay

Steps to put on PPE

The primary use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is to protect healthcare workers (HCWs) and reduce opportunities for transmission of microorganisms in healthcare facilities. In infection control, PPE are frequently used to provide barrier between the infective pathogen and the healthcare worker. Commonly used PPE items include gloves, gown, mask, face shield/goggles, caps and foot …

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Urinary Incontinence NiceDay

Urinary Incontinence

Something useful for you Urinary incontinence among women is very common—a quarter of people over 20 years old and half of people over 40 are estimated to suffer from urinary incontinence and the rates of incontinence increase with age, obesity, pregnancy, and birth (especially vaginal birth). However, only a quarter of these women will seek help …

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